What Makes a Campus?
Part One: Exploration
Last updated 3 years ago
In a campus there’s many people, you see people about — sense of presence
In a campus there’s many spaces, resources, workshops — sense of opportunity
In a campus there are many teachers, mentors, and knowing students — sense of mentorship / network / community
In a campus there are many classes, you can supposedly decide which ones to take — a sense of choice
In a campus you have a chance to bump into or hang out with your friends, and the possibility in some cases of forming deeper relationships — a sense of connection / friendship
In a campus you are outside the expectation or pressure that your work is for a particular job (though unfortunately grades often lead to less risk-taking and experimentation) — a sense of freedom
In a campus there is often a library, a place to study, meet, or seek knowledge — a sense of knowledge / coziness / third place
In a campus there are often lots of clubs you can join — a sense of subcultures
In a campus you have the possibility of branching out or pushing yourself out of a single discipline, try different things out — a sense of dabbling
In summary:
- presence
- opportunity
- mentorship
- community
- connection
- freedom / dabbling
- knowledge
- subcultures / niches
- workshops / resources
- … (what else?)
Next up: I will be exploring digital equivalents for each aspect, figuring out exactly how a digital space can exhibit similar feeling or characteristics to a physical campus but in a uniquely digital way