Side Quests
Last updated 5 months ago
Learning Groups
This is a page of small futures; projects, experiments, and ideas that would be fun but I probably haven’t had time for yet.
Think of this page as an invitation to any friends, mutuals, or enigmatic strangers to collaborate with me on a weekend project. Reach out on twitter or email if something here sparks your interest.
Linguistic analysis to find the longest compound word square (or chain)
Make an iceberg video on computer history or increasingly obscure interfaces
Experiment with collaborative echo chamber for ideation, communication, etc.
Make a text editor you can interact with without a keyboard (voice + AI)
Japanese version of abstract orange lice game Would love to collaborate with a native Japanese speaker on this, even just to brainstorm whether it’d be possible
Small platform for people to propose learning experiments and find people to join
Write a song (or album) related to computer history, future of computing, urban design, etc.
Make a little social internet radar, keeping track of changes (not just RSS) across friends’ personal websites and links between different posts
- This would also be useful for keeping track of changes on my own website over time, or as a community hub for a webring
Contextual paste, using language models to experiment with a smart contextual paste that matches the style of things around it
Return to visual mnemonics (for Hanzi/Kanji) using more modern image models, and automate to generate visual mnemonics for thousands of characters
Finish APL Cards
Exploring directions in which English can be naturally extended to enable thinking new thoughts (inventing/mapping out generative affixes, playing around with agglutination, shapes of meaning…)
Make a book of bad design — with the intention of carving out the rules so that we know where to break them
Platform where you can find people who have shared interest in small projects (the simplest version of this is getting a bunch of friends to write their own “side-quest” pages and then collecting them all together into one place, much like the trend of /now pages)Something I learned from running several learning groups is that gathering around a specific shared goal is stronger than gathering around a shared topic. It gives direction. And it’s easier to shift directions as a group than it is to decide on a direction in a group that has none.
Make a drawing tool for ipad where you can sketch an interface and then immediate be able to interact with your drawing. Say you draw a slider, you can start dragging the handle.
Design posters for really mundane, every-day objects
Events to host? - Je m’apparel: a short apparel design session to create a piece of clothing that is unique to you, or communicates some aspect of your thoughts/personality
This page is still under construction, more links, context, and ideas soon to come!