
Last updated today — Personal Website
Azlen Elza

The door creaks open with a welcoming light, taking off your shoes you place them on the shoe rack as you step inside…

This page is a digital shoe rack, I invite you to pause for a moment, take a picture of your shoes, and send them to, being sure to include both a picture and your name!

Azlen ⁘ @azlenelza
Jared ⁘ @jrdprr
Michael ⁘ @0xmcg
Jonas ⁘ @jmaaloe
Spencer ⁘ @spencerc99
David ⁘ @dkim
Maxime ⁘ @vmaxmc2
Matthew ⁘ @MatthewWSiu
Dethe ⁘ @dethe
Omar ⁘ @elfanek
Aristotelis ⁘ @aristot_3rd
Oliver ⁘ @Oliverding
Ben ⁘ @flbr
Daniela ⁘ strange places
Rudyon ⁘ @rxdyxn
Zach ⁘ @CodeAthena
Lilith ⁘ @lilithyu03
Aaron ⁘ @AaronLawsonOG
Vega ⁘ opguides
Sid ⁘
Luca ⁘
Aswin ⁘ @chandanaveli
Mini ⁘ @alixwiessser
Ruben ⁘
Linus ⁘ —
James ⁘ @_JamesAlmeida