
Last updated 9 months ago

These are riddles I have written, some might be easy, others could be quite difficult. Please try to solve them before inspecting for the answer.

Something below me
That comes after A, but before B
And when you land on it what sound does it make?
Don’t fret! Your first answer is guaranteed to be correct!

It is not empty but it has three holes
It has three eyes and lurks below
One word alone cannot capture its essence
And the answer is hidden in this sentence

“Oh!” I exclaimed, seeing that almost everyone who left the bathroom went to stand in a perfectly orderly line waiting for our… our what? (hint: It’s certainly not tea time already!)

It’s after me! look! right in front of you! what is it??

People never say hi to me, see
My shorter brother’s name is Finn
And my elder brother, who precedes me
I don’t like ’em though he’s my twin
What’s my name?

I’m not tall nor am I short;
A little wide but— uh… also thin?
I’m in front of you, but also behind you!

I met a strange creature in a far off land
Who always covered their face with their hands
Every so often they’d get up and yell
But just what they said, I never could tell
What are they?

Through air I am shaped, by hands and breath
Often present in celebration or after death
Like a tide I lap at the shores of your mind
But to truly see me, you must be blind

Rich people have lots of it
Everyone else wishes they had more of it
But if you in it right now, you’d die

Wingless it soars
Soundless it falls
Heavier than a mountain
Lighter than a rock
Bigger than a city
Smaller than a sock

Held up by a column, a modest home
Two windows, a door, and a dome
Within its attic a treasure is held
A portal to another world

Born from water, dry as stone
Place where all the mountains roam
Sing and whistle, howl and roar
What seemed to be, is no more